Wednesday, January 09, 2013

The work begins

 Another winter and another year that I ponder what the hell I was thinking when I left Florida's bounty of sunshine and awesome trail network. I need a road trip badly but don't have the time or the money  so I guess I have to live with my bad decision for a few more months.
 There are some exciting things brewing for me though. Like the 650B market exploding this year. I've got tire options like mad now. I still love the Nevagal, but the Vee Rubber Mission is next on my list to try. Also I have been quite motivated so far this winter. I rode more in December than any other month all last year. Not sure why but I have been enjoying the lonely time on the road. The biggest training decision I made was not to buy the new Call of Duty game this time, that wrecked last winters base mileage.
 The Groovy team has expanded this year too, so it will be fun having team mates in various classes as well. I mainly want to see Zac suffer dearly so his step up to Expert class should make that happen.


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